* The fourth grade girls Sunday School class donated a HUGE bag of pajamas for the kiddos in Guatemala.
* The college ministry provided yards of material and supplies PLUS gift cards to cover the cost of anything else we might need as we sewed.
* We received donations of thread, coupons to help us buy whatever we needed, and more gift cards to help defray the cost. In short, the people of Jesus STEPPED UP!!
As a result, we were able to sew 11 complete pillowcase dresses and cut and pin 17 more. That's 28 dresses!! 28 dresses that will be distributed to girls in Uganda who have little to call their own, let alone a handmade dress made just for them. I wish I could see their faces. I wish I could see what they look like decked out in their new dress. I'll have to wait until this summer to see pictures of those sweet girls but I did see what we looked like, and it was beautiful.
I've never seen an ugly bride, but there are a few who barely made it.
Unfortunately the Bride of Christ has a reputation for barely making it sometimes. Worthless arguments over inconsequential issues, inexcusable self centeredness, and flat out meanness can mar our appearance and make us flat out ugly.
When the people of Jesus rally to His calling, however, and use their resources and spheres of influence to meet a need, the result is stunning.
Each pair of pajamas, yard of fabric, and hour hunched over a sewing machine, represented mercy, grace, generosity, sacrifice. People gave what they had, whether it was resources, time or talent, to make sure those little girls know that they are treasured and loved. That Bride is beautiful.
Thank you to everyone to helped!