Monday, August 12, 2013

A Salute to Middle Children

My older sister and I look a lot alike.

See? Our Sunglasses are even the same...

We also sound a lot alike. A LOT. We had the added bonus of having an extremely youthful sounding mom. So....if someone were to call our house in the late ‘80’s and a female voice were to answer the phone it would go something like this....








I suppose I could have stopped them before they went down the roster of girl Thiss residents, but, well, I didn’t. Sorry people who called our house. Anyway, the point is, my voice was not distinguishable from those of my mom and my sister. I didn’t need therapy over it or anything, but it was weird not to be immediately identified as me. To be thought of as someone else first. I'm over it though...really.

Flash forward thirty years...

A few weeks ago, our middle kiddo started referring to himself in the third person when I would ask him and his brothers a question. For example...

What do you guys want for lunch?

Micah wants a peanut butter sandwich! No jelly, please!

Who wants a drink?

Micah isn’t thirsty.

Where are you guys?

Micah is in his room!


I finally asked him why in the world he insists on referring to himself in such strange way. His response? I have to, mom. Sometimes you don’t recognize my voice.

Well, crap.

(Sorry, I shouldn’t say that. In fact, I have another Micah story about that very word, but I digress.)

It’s true. Sometimes I don’t know who is yelling out for me and its not totally uncommon for me to say so. But still. Ouch.

I suppose there is a lesson in there about how God always knows our voice and how we never have to ask for anything from Him in the third person. 

Monica needs wisdom for parenting her children or Monica needs help to stop saying the word "crap," please. (Although I do.)

But that wasn't what I thought of when my sweet middle child reminded me that I need be a bit more careful when relating to my boys. What I remembered was that I am not parenting a tribe, but rather three individuals who need and deserve my personalized attention. Yes, there will be lots of times when it will be completely appropriate to refer to them as "the boys" and treat them collectively. However, as they mature, I need to be mindful to continue to get to know their ever changing personalities, to know their distinct voice. 

So, Happy Middle Child Day, sweet redhead. Mom loves you very much!

1 comment:

  1. Funny! Grandma loves your middle child, Micah. :) Great blog!
