Wednesday, September 8, 2010

At Least They Were Sharing....

Manners are very important in our house. The importance of "please"and "thank you" are reiterated constantly to those among the children who can speak, so when I heard the following conversation between the oldest two, I quickly went to positively affirm their outstanding choices....
           S: "Can I have some, please?"
           M: "Yep."
           S: "Thank you, Micah."
           M: "'Come. ("You're welcome" for those of you who do not speak two year old.)"
What I didn't realize until I rounded the corner, was that the conversation about a baggie full of Golden Grahams was playing out in the bathroom, while, how shall put this delicately, Samuel was "using the facilities."  I wasn't sure if I should praise their "table manners" or point out that eating while using the bathroom was perhaps not the cleanest option.  I opted for both, although I don't think it came across very seriously as I was giggling the whole time.  Oh well, at least they were using their manners and sharing.


  1. Monica, congrats on starting the blog! Hope you have fun with it. I know I'll have fun reading about your adventures with the boys :) Loved this one :)

  2. I'm going to love this! I can hear more about what my wonderful grandsons are up to. :) I am so excited. You are a natural blogger, Monica.
