Monday, September 6, 2010

We Read (or write) to Know We are Not Alone

I've thought about starting a blog for some time, but felt like the world really didn't need one more blog, especially one without a singular purpose. I'm not fighting a deadly illness, undertaking a monumental task, or even taking a once in a lifetime vacation. In fact, there is very little about my life that is unique or unusual. I'm just living life. Sometimes that, however, is what makes reading some one's story (or blog) interesting.  Just knowing that someone else is doing, or has done (or will do) what you are doing at this particular stage of life makes the day go that much better because you know you aren't doing it alone.  So in the end, I went for it. After all, I'm just needy enough to want the world to know my thoughts and just narcissistic enough to think the world needs to know them! This, then, is my life as a Mom Of Boys.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love following blogs! And I'm sure you'll always have something fun and interesting to read about! ;)
